Text by Zaar Riisberg
I sit here with these images Ron sent me, and I think to myself, what's the common thing here? Waiting? Seems so. Then association sets in, and the title snaps into view before my eyes. It just dawned on me, that the vein of his work is just that, there is always an underlying theme of something waiting to unfold - it is not a calm before the storm, more like a constant current, which makes Rubenstein's work timeless.
'The geometry of waiting' could have been an apt title for the one just above. I will not touch on the one with the girl on the stairs, as it has a genius about it that speaks for itself - if you cannot see it or feel it, you are blind and numb, my friend. Then there is the choice of motif. Not many people would think to shoot like this. Most do not - I met a girl in Aarhus and she told me she was a photographer. Seconds later, she told me it was boring living in Aarhus, since there was nothing to shoot. I gasped and veered off of the conversation. Some people live in utter darkness, it seems.
Words do not come easy, but who cares, when you can shoot like this. The simple genius of RR, folks. Stuff like this is art, it is story and it is a reminder what humans are about. Fuck modern art - this is worth so much more. Fuck modern literature and fuck modernity - it's rubbish! These three show what is achievable if you are aware and in reality with your eyes wide open. Step out of your virtual mess and you hyper reality, and enjoy the inspiration it brings. Past and present are illusions. Use your now.