
Zaar Riisberg (Zaarchasm) // La Vie

I recently moved to a new city. You need your own haunts when you come to a new city. There’s a little café in the city - it’s called La Vie, and yes, the owner is a francophile. But his genuine wish, is just for people to talk, mingle - boheme, comes to mind. Libertines would frequent the place as well. Interesting conversations, wine, pastis and art on the walls. Martin, the owner, tries to let local talent exhibit - and often, the air is thick with discussions on literature and art. I’ve not spotted absinthe yet, but there’s probably a bottle somewhere.


I had gone by the place a few times, and always stopped to check it out. But it turned out a friend of mine was good friends with the owner. The first time I visited, I lost track of time, got slightly drunk and was discussing novels, thinkers and the general shit state of the world. It’s the sort of place that chokes out your inner nihilist, and makes you want to be part of a group again.


Not surprisingly, a place like that has been hit hard by the corona. So they did some nice artwork as ‘shares’ that you could buy. I was kind of decided on this becoming ‘my place’ to hang out, so my fingers are crossed. Now, La Vie has been allowed to open again - so if you ever visit the city of Horsens, make it a point to visit La Vie!

Au Revoir!

Au Revoir!