now art

Zaar Riisberg// My Year in Mobile Shots

It is my firm hope that 23 will see this site thriving. To be perfectly honest, there isn’t anymore shit that can happen. This site is needed - I know that.

Eskild Krogh // The Weave that Binds the World & Nebula

Text by Zaar Riisberg

I have known Eskild for quite a few years now - his sense of light and being is extreme in one so young - and he has been that way ever since I met him. I have seen him furious, but also seen him never taking it out on people. He has a rare passion that you can fuel - Imagine throwing Kafka, Dostojevski and Nietzsche at someone, and see them eat it up and ask for another portion. Backing the truck up, it all started with me showing him Albert Camus' The Stranger and telling him I wanted to do a film on it. Like me, he soon fell for Mersault.

Eskild is a filmmaker and storyteller with a talent for mixing new impulses with old school storytelling. His portrait of a young kid's sense of what a mother should be in Noumenon - tackles a hard theme in a low budget film with amazing cinematography - that is basically Eskild Krogh at the core: water from a rock.

These two videos confirm that postulate. If Nebula does not have you by the balls, you are either female or blind. It is one of those rarest of things, where you do not know what the fuck you are looking at, but you do not care, because it takes your mind on a journey across the universe to a place where time does not exist, a place that tenderly taunts you by dangling all the answers in front of you -everything you possibly could want to know- but packaged in such a way that only your heart and soul can know what they cannot formulate. Your frontal lopes left in the dark.